Legato Database & Application Backup Solutions Guide

Legato offers several alternatives for backing up databases.

NetWorker BusinesSuiteā„¢ Modules offer high-performance, online data protection for large, mission-critical databases and applications.

In addition, NetWorker Database Toolkits are external Application Specific Modules that offer data protection for small to medium-sized (<10 GB) databases.

The matrix below outlines the various BusinesSuite Modules and Toolkits available for database backup.

DatabaseDatabase Backup StateDatabase Filesystem TypeOperating SystemNetWorker Add-On Required
Microsoft SQL ServerOnline or OfflineNT filesWindows NTBusinesSuite Module
for Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Exchange ServerOnline or OfflineNT filesWindows NTBusinesSuite Module
for Microsoft Exchange Server
ORACLE Enterprise Server V 7.1x and upOnline or OfflineUNIX files or UNIX raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIX
Digital Equip., Fujitsu ICL, SGI, Sun Microsystems
Use the BusinesSuite Module for Oracle**.
This product interfaces with the Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility.
ORACLEOfflineUNIX raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIXNetWorker RAWASM Toolkit (included with NetWorker 4.2.5
ORACLEOfflineNormal filesSolaris, HP-UX, AIX, NT, NetWareNone*
Informix ODS 7.21 & upOnlineUNIX files or UNIX raw partitionsSolarisUse the BusinesSuite Module for Informix.
This product interfaces with the Informix On-Bar Utility.
Informix ODS 7.1 & 7.2OnlineUNIX files, raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIX Use the NetWorker Informix Database Toolkit
InformixOfflineUNIX raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIXNetWorker RAWASM Toolkit (included with NetWorker 4.2.5)
InformixOfflineUNIX FilesSolaris, HP-UX, AIX, NT, NetWareNone*
SAP R/3 on OracleOnlineUNIX files or UNIX raw partitionsOracle on Solaris, HP-UX, AIXBusinesSuite Module for SAP R/3
Sybase System11OfflineNormal filesSolaris, AIX, NT, NetWareNone*
Sybase System11OfflineUNIX raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIXNetWorker RAWASM Toolkit (included with NetWorker 4.2.5)
Sybase System11OnlineUNIX files, raw partitionsSolaris, HP-UX, AIXContact DataTools at 1-800-721-8665.

* Use NetWorker standard product to back up files while database is shut down.
** Oracle7 Enterprise Backup Utility from Oracle also required.

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